

Little projects

Star Quest

The most grandest adventure ever created

Magic Time

A friend was building a video/chat site and needeed a responsive front end template to help get started.

A total mystery, but the site was never completed despite being given such a solid techincal foundation. Thankfully we don't use CSS floats much anymore, and beepdog is timeless

Emoticon thing

Organize all your favorite emoticons

A serverless Steam emoticon browser / embeder / favorite tool. This hasn't been updated in many many years. There's thousands more by this point. I'd like to have it automatically pull down the steam database & generate the matrix automatically, but the last time I looked in to it, the emoticon system wasn't enumerable over their API and I lost interest when faced with the prospect of building some uglier implementation. Loading the images as a sprite sheet would also be a lot more efficient. DEAL WITH IT


Malign artificial intelligence Discord bot

An experiemental project running .NET core on linux with the other half being a Discord bot on node.js

Also involves machine learning, react, bigtable, gaslighting, webscale NoSQL, and a blockchain

Watch party

Input stream of dubious origin and codec => ffmpeg ingest => real time HLS packaging (x264+AAC) => home spun varnish+hitch CDN => video.js watch party

HTTP is the sole transport mechanism so industry standard, geographically load balanced CDNs can be easily slotted into the stack.